Thursday, August 27, 2009


Uwaghh!!! What am I doing?People keep babbling to me forcing me to concentrate on my studies but here I am in the middle of the night starting a blog????? If my brothers or parents knew about it I'm dead for sure.(surely I don't want that to happen) Anyways, I suppose I'm not the time of guy who is gonna write a diary so this will be the place where the whole world will hear my heart's voice.(I kinda feel like I'm talking like a girl) Oh yeah, just in case,for those who knew nothing about me, there are a few things I wanna set up straight.There are many types of human nowadays. And some of them are made of different combination of personalities.And people might consider me as one of those individuals. Tell me one thing, is it wrong for an Islamic Student (that's me) to be an Anime Freak (which is also me)? I don't think there's any problem to it as long as you know how to control yourselves right? But then, every now and then when I am reading manga around the 'alim' boys they would say that I am immature, and doesn't reflect the muslim within. And whenever I am around an otaku or an otaku wannabies (which most of them are),they would act as if whenever I do something Islamic it looks weird and awkward to them. Why?Is it wrong for a muslim kid (actually a teen) to indulge in the world of manganime.Come on man, I can totally control myself not like I'm gonna be like those otaku around akihabara no? Come on guys, there are a lot of my kinds these days and hopefully this sort of thing won't become a topic anymore.
+ = ME


adobemujahidcs3 said...

totally...who said muslim can't be anime freak???....

well actually the word 'Anime Freak' do give kind of a bad impression though...

but hey...i'm with u....Anime Addicts...

Zida said...

aku pun ske anime ok!
pedulik la ape org ckp~

apples and roses said...

anime freak is fine though.
im a korean freak what can u say?!

hey, welcome to the *glam* world of blog writers eh~

Alauddein said...

Boy, it's ok...
Tak semua org alim agama dapat sepikan diri dengan duniawi.
Cukuplah ilmu agama yg kita tahu membuatkan kita dapat bezakan antara kebaikan & maksiat. So, setiap kali terfikir nak buat maksiat, hati jadi takut nak buat sbb memang dah tahu itu maksiat. Dan tahu apa balasannya.
X semestinya bila dah jadi pelajar agama kita nak kena berubah 100% kepada Sufi (not Safi).
Masalah sifat, minat, habitat... bukan senang nak diubah mendadak. Tambah pulak duk di usia remaja. Paham-paham je lah kalau jadi remaja, dengan aktivitinya, tindakannya dsb.

Cuma pandangan....

apples and roses said...

oh 107% setuju dgn pandangan Alauddein!


wah tak sangka ustaz alauddein pandai bertazkirah